Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to ADD-ADHD Support

Percent of Youth 4-17 ever diagnosed with Atte...Image via WikipediaHello from Jae Onasi!  I'm a "Geeky Mom" who has a daughter with ADHD.  Our doctor told us there weren't really any support groups in our area, and since I, like many of you, work hard just to get our kids through the day, get homework done, get everyone fed and cleaned up, and work outside the home, I don't have a ton of time to go to an outside support meeting.  So, I decided to start an online support group and blog for those of us who either have or know someone with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  I have also started an ADD-ADHD Support facebook group for those of you who prefer using that app. 

I'm hoping that by connecting with other people who struggle with and triumph over the challenges of these two conditions, we can help each other out. 

Now for the general guidelines for the group.

1. Opinions are like belly-buttons.  Everyone has one.  Yes, some opinions are better than others.  We'll probably see lots of different opinions here.  However, I want to keep the comments friendly.  If you flame or troll someone (i.e. make mean or rude comments to someone), I'll edit or remove the comment.  We're here to help each other, after all.

2. All comments are moderated, because the drug spammers love sites like this.  If your comment doesn't show up right away, it's sitting in my inbox until I can get to it to approve it.  Please be patient with me on that.

3. If you one of the medication-oriented people, don't harass the natural-remedy people.  If you're a natural-remedy person, don't harass the medication people.  If there's one thing I've learned both as a mom of a child with ADHD and a medical professional myself, no two people react exactly the same to any given treatment.  What works for one person may not work for someone else, even if your cousin's mother's Great-Aunt Martha SWEARS it's been given to her by God Himself.  If there were easy answers, none of us would be here, the problem would be totally solved by now. 

4. We don't dispense medical advice here.  See your doctor or health care professional for that. 

5. Please keep the language and content clean.  A lot of us have kids around and don't want or need them reading or hearing that stuff.

6. Please send in discussion ideas!  There are so many different challenges we as parents or those of us who may have these conditions.  How do you get ready for school in the morning? What medication/natural remedy side effects have you experienced? Are you on the ADHD diet, and how do you deal with the challenges that presents when dining out? How are you working with your school and your health care providers? If you're a military family or someone who moves a lot due to jobs, how do you maintain continuity of care?  There are so many questions to ask, and so many answers to share. 

7. The catch-all rule: Don't be stupid, and have fun.

Thank you for visiting this site!

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